The Disclosure is designed to give you information about the costs of your loan so that you may compare these costs with those of other loan programs or lenders.
A. The Annual Percentage Rate (A.P.R.) is the cost of your credit expressed as an annual rate. Because you may be paying loan discount “points” and other “prepaid” finance charges at closing, the A.P.R. disclosed is often higher than the interest rate on your loan. This A.P.R. can be compared to the A.P.R. on other loan programs to give you a consistent means of comparing rates and programs.
Q. Why is the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE different from the interest rate for which I applied?
A. The A.P.R. is computed from the Amount Financed and based on what your proposed payments will be on the actual loan amount credited to you at settlement. In a $50,000 loan with $2,000 Prepaid Finance Charges, a 30 year term and a fixed interest rate of 12%, the payments would be $514.31 (principal and interest). Since A.P.R. is based on the Amount Financed ($48,000), while the payment is based on the actual loan amount given ($50,000), the A.P.R. (12.553%) is higher than the interest.
Q. What is the FINANCE CHARGE?
A. The Finance Charge is the cost of credit expressed in dollars. It is the total amount of interest calculated at the interest rate over the life of the loan, plus Prepaid Finance Charges and the total amount of any required mortgage insurance charges over the life of the loan.
A. The Amount Financed is the loan amount applied for, minus the Prepaid Finance Charges. Prepaid Finance Charges include items paid at or before settlement, such as loan origination, commitment or discount fees (“point”), adjusted interest, and initial mortgage insurance premium. The Amount Financed is lower than the amount you applied for because it represents a NET figure. If you applied for $50,000 and the Prepaid Finance Charges total $2,000, the Amount Financed would be $48,000.
Q. Does this mean I will get a smaller loan than I applied for?
A. No. If your loan is approved in the amount requested, you will receive credit toward your home purchase or refinance for the full amount for which you applied. In the example above, you would therefore receive a $50,000, not a $48,000 loan.
A. This figure represents the total amount your will have paid if you make the minimum required payments for the entire term of the loan. This includes principal, interest and mortgage insurance premiums, but does not include payments for real estate taxes or property insurance premiums.